Jaltemba Foundation

The Jaltemba Foundation is a philanthropic organization that has many groups under its umbrella. It is an incorporated entity that legally raises and invests funds to serve the area. More information about the groups the foundation supports is available below.

If you would like to help, please visit the Jaltemba Foundation website to donate.

Women to Women Fashion Show

The Fashion Show, a major event of the season, holds a fashion show in February. The proceeds from this show are donated to women and children’s health and to education. Contact Debra Triplett drtriplett2004@yahoo.com or Jodie Butler jody_butler@hotmail.com

Robert Howell Memorial Fund

The family of Robert Howell, philantrapist and friend to many in this area, set up a memorial fund to commemorated their father. Their generous donation and monies from the Annual Horseshoe Tournament in early february are directed towards this fund. The family will be funding a park called “The Park of Angels.” For more information about the fund or the Horseshoe tournament contact David Howell dhowell@calpinecontainers.com

Margarita Challenge

The Margarita Challenge is an event that takes place in Early February where challengers vie for the best exotic and traditional margarita title. The proceeds from the Challenge go towards the Emiliano Zapata Elementary School in Rincon de Guayabitos and a community food organization.

La Penita Park Fund

La Penita Park fun is used to help people in the community who have extraordinary problems they need help with, such as transportation to medical facilities or medications.

The Jaltemba Cup

The Jaltemba Cup: the major Golf Tournament held on the last weekend in January. Proceeds are donated to computers, education or to medical supplies. Contact Larry Baron clbaron6@gmail.com

Cancer de Mama

The Cancer de Mama is a clinic for women who have had breast cancer and need to be fitted for a prosthesis. It is held in the La Penita RV Resort and is considered by many volunteers to be the most gratifying and life changing event of the season. www.cancerdemamaclinic.com

Anna’s Kids

Anna’s Kids is a grass roots organization developed to help Anna’s children after her tragic death in 2009. The group was developed to help the children secure and finish their partially built home, assist with bills and education. Contact Jane Fellows jane.fellows@telus.net or Jane Kelley casakelley@gmail.com